Contracts Data
This page shows the public procurement data of the last 7 financial years for the state of Assam for the contracts over INR 50 lakh value. You can download the total compiled data or explore specific tender groups using the filters like financial year, tendering organization, tender status, tender types, etc.
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Last Updated:
3,691 contracts
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Soil Conservation Department
2022-08-02 15:00 . 2021-20222022_SCD_24066_15
Tender IDINR 65,45,000
Tender valuePanchapur water harvesting cum water distribution project
Tender nameSoil Conservation Department
2022-08-02 15:00 . 2021-20222022_SCD_24066_16
Tender IDINR 65,00,000
Tender valueBhakrapara kahidoba water harvesting cum water distribution project
Tender nameSoil Conservation Department
2017-16-02 14:05 . 2016-20172017_SCD_1690_1
Tender IDINR 61,14,486
Tender valueWater harvesting and water distribution project at chandrapur area
Tender nameSoil Conservation Department
2017-30-08 10:00 . 2017-20182017_SCD_3007_1
Tender IDINR 37,25,000
Tender valueBorjhora water harvesting cum water distribution project,under ridf-xxi
Tender nameSoil Conservation Department
2017-30-08 10:00 . 2017-20182017_SCD_3007_2
Tender IDINR 38,00,000
Tender valueBorjhora water harvesting cum water distribution project,under ridf-xxi
Tender nameSoil Conservation Department
2020-19-12 15:00 . 2020-20212020_SCD_19629_2
Tender IDINR 71,91,000
Tender valueSeconee water harvesting cum water distribution project under ridf-xxv
Tender nameSoil Conservation Department
2021-28-09 15:00 . 2021-20222021_SCD_22955_6
Tender IDINR 52,96,000
Tender valueWater harvesting and water distribution project at rangalupaharguri under rid...
Tender nameAssam Power Generation Company Limited
2022-25-11 15:00 . 2022-20232022_APGCL_27587_1
Tender IDINR 10,86,523
Tender valueLaying of new water supply pipeline and construction of water reservoir
Tender nameCooperation Department
2022-20-08 12:30 . 2022-20232022_CD_26388_1
Tender IDN/A
Tender valueSolar water heaters
Tender nameSoil Conservation Department
2021-27-01 15:00 . 2020-20212021_SCD_19873_5
Tender IDINR 2,47,57,175
Tender valueWater distribution cum water harvesting project at laodanga-gilajhar under ri...
Tender name